I spent a whole day, from 10 am to 8 pm, with Pawan and he showed me and my parents around the beautiful and vibrant city of Jaipur. He engaged us with lots of stories and told us about Indian culture and legacy in an intersesting way without us losing focus (although we had had a rough night's sleep with a big Hindu wedding next door!). During pasues between attractions, as the driver took us from Jaipur to Amber, Pawan also took interest in his guests. He asked a lot of questions, which was nice, and we discussed many things, in contrast to other tourist guides who rather "be done with it". We felt very well taken care of and at the end of the day our heads were aching (in a good way!) with all Hindu gods, kings and historic events Pawan had shared with us. I do not think a self guided tour would have left as big an impression as Pawan suceeded to do. I would recommend this to all.

P.S. There is a quizz at the end, remember to write down all years of all milestones!