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My Reviews


Abbas Amadeh

Last November I travelled to the Kalut desert (together with another couple) with Abbas as my tour guide. A French girl recommended him as a tour guide and I am glad she did. He made the experience even better, he is a great tour guide.  He was well prepared and talked about nature and culture. I learned a lot about the customs in Iran like marriage, food and the education system. I found it very interesting.

Abbas showed us interesting and beautiful sights. He knows the region well. He brought us to sight where barely any tourist go, like the Keshit oasis. We were completely alone when we visited it. Our accommodation, which he organized, was great. The diner tasted good and we all slept together in one hut which was cozy. He is a patient guide and he makes sure you feel at ease by talking to you. He does not rush and gives you the time to enjoy the surroundings. I am happy I had the pleasure to travel with Abbas, and I would definitely recommend to do the same.