
Explore the world with tourHQ


My Reviews


Cesar Peña

I have been on two river trips on the Amazon with Cesar. The first one was in 2012 with a group. The second one was in July 2014 and there were just three including Cesar. On the first trip Cesar provided excellent service with regard to river navigation, translating and even cooking, The only trouble we had was when we did not have him with us. When the second trip came up I immediately contacted Cesar. He quickly embraced the spirit of the trip which was to be an attempt by a deaf paddler to break the existing record for paddling from Iquitos to Belem, Brazil. Arrangements had been made for a number of Brazilian paddlers to join us in Iquitos. When none of the Brazilians showed up Cesar enthusiastically volunteered to be my partner in a tandem kayak. The deaf paddler was in a solo kayak. The failure of the Brazilians to appear changed the entire focus of the trip. We decided to paddle from Iquitos to Santa Rosa at the Peruvian border with Brazil. Once again Cesar provided excellent service and we had a great time paddling hours at a time occasionally stopping to visit a villaage or wander down a beach. His open and friendly manner gained us acceptance at homes and villages for camping, shopping and dining the entire way. He is an enthusiastic and knowledgable guide and will be an immediate asset for your business.