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My Reviews


YOLO Jordan Travel and Tourism

Thanks a lot for the full organisation of our recent trip to Jordan. We really enjoyed the holiday from the beginning till the end! Everything was perfect in terms of program and accommodations! We were also very pleased with our driver Read! He was in all respects punctual and on time! We went through the program together on a daily basis and we made, on his recommendation, some adjustments to make the tour even more efficient! The car was always fresh and clean which should not be underestimated during a 10 days trip! We stopped at viewpoints and for sanitary stops to our wishes! Read choose for music to our choice which made the long drives pleasant for us too! Last but not least he brought us SAFE around the country and we had fun together! A nice friendly relationship grew over the days we spent with him. So allow us to send you a remarkable very good score about our driver Read! He made our trip special and customized it to our wishes! 

Altogether we evaluate the trip organized by YOLO staff and carried out by Raed Asfour as a perfect and unforgettable holiday providing us a special, deep and personal experience making this trip unforgettable to this beautiful country!

Caroline and Peter