
Explore the world with tourHQ


My Reviews



I hired Lulu as my personal guide for this first trip with Lulu. I must compliment her for her dedication and professionalism. She always  arrived early before our appointment time at hotel lobby and was flexible to suggest or allow us to make changes to the itinerary according to our desires. We could see her pride in her homeland and people. She would take time to explain local culture and share local  delicacies. We love the Kolo Mee, laksa and local coffee! Not forgetting seafood stalls at local neighbourhood.

Lulu  was never in a hurry to  rush through the itinerary to complete her job  so that she could knock off early. She would let us travel at our pace and make rest stop as long as we wanted.. Along the she would suggest detours to see more local scenic places and try local delicacies. Even after she left us for the day, we could still message her to ask for directions and recommendations and Lulu would respond.  We also asked her to recommend good fine dinning places and Lulu came back with a long list and helped us to make reservations.

We enjoyed our trip very much because of her. She was more like a friend traveling with us. Oh yes,  along the way Lulu brought us it eat local durians , yum yum!

I think to better enjoy Kuching, it pays to hire a good guide like Lulu. kudos to her that we are beginning to love Kuching and we think we will come back again !

Mr Ling

1 Jan 2023