
Explore the world with tourHQ


My Reviews


Nydia De la llera

My friend and I hired Nydia for a private 13 day tour in 2018.

We had a wonderful 4 day tour of Mexico City and took in many things while there.

My favourite memories were to experience the Folkloric Ballet in the Fine Arts Palace and the Floating Gardens of Xochimilco.

From there we went to Puebla for a couple of days where we visited the Star of Puebla, El Rosario Chapel, a talavera workshop, and the fabulous Palafoxian Library (the first public library in North America) among other things.

Next we went to Cholula and visited The Great Pyramid of Cholula, also known as Tlachihualtepetl. It is the largest archaeological site of a pyramid in the New World. Next we visited the beautiful old town of Tonzanzintla, then on to Oaxaca.

In Oaxaca we visited the Monte Alban site and a few nearby towns to see handicrafts.

In Teotitlan we visited a family who weave with wool that they prepare and dye themselves.

We visited the ruins of Mitla, a mescal distillery, and the petrified waterfall Hierve el Agua.

Our final stop was Tlaxcala where we saw the wonderful murals in the Government Palace and had a very interesting city tour, then back to Mexico City for the last day of our tour.

We put on a lot of miles and saw many parts of Mexico that we wouldn't have without Nydia.

It was a trip that we will never forget.

Nydia is cheerful, knowledgeable about Mexican culture and history, was organized, and speaks english well.

I would recommend Nydia as a tour guide.