As a married couple we have met many great guides in our world travels, but our day with Kimthet at Angkor will likely remain our most spectacular! His incredible knowledge and familiarity with every nook and cranny at Angkor likely goes well beyond the "official" story espoused by other guides (he hopes to share some of his personal insights with the academic community at some time). For us however, Kimthet's candid views on recent and current life in Cambodia, and his personal story were the most memorable and fascinating. His determination and strong work ethic resulted in the transition from his early life as an uneducated orphaned "street kid" (and unofficial guardian to his siblings) to a literate advocate (fluent in English and French) for education and better lives for the younger generation. If you want to experience insights into the hardships of recent Cambodia and the hopes for a better future, spend a day with Kimthet!