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Canada tour guides from tourHQ can take you to the gorgeous outdoors of Tofino; a rustic hamlet that offers an enviable choice of outdoor and artsy pursuits between the peaks and seas of Vancouver Island.

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Tofino Tours



With its enviable location between the primeval fir forests of Vancouver Island and the goose bump-inducing surf swells on the Pacific shores, Tofino is a delight for the outdoorsy types. Along with the excellent surf and the chance to boat through the misty fjords on Canada's west coast, Tofino tour guides also espouse the area’s hiking trails and secluded beaches that fringe the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Here, black bears and bald eagles prowl by land, humpback and gray whales frolic in the ocean, and hot springs beckon amidst the woods. That apart, Tofino is also artsy and cool, attracting everyone from families to New Age types from Vancouver city. The festivals at are a product of that, with farmer's food markets, the artsy Whale Festival and the Oyster festival showcasing Clayoquot Sound’s oysters drawing crowds all year round.

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