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The onetime home of the Mataram royals, Surakarta is a place of sprawling palaces set between the volcanic hills of Java. Taste coconut rice and wonder at the architecture with a tourHQ guide.

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Though one of the less-mentioned gems of Indonesian Java, Surakarta boasts some of the destination’s most breath-taking historical sights and great access to the natural wonders of the island’s central volcanic valleys.

During the 16th century, Surakarta played host to the great royal dynasty of Mataram. This was the sultanate power that ruled Java before the arrival of Dutch colonists, and the historical epoch responsible for Surakarta’s two major sights: The sprawling Keraton Kasunanan palace, and the Mangkunegaran cultural centre. Surakarta tour guides are quick to recommend both for those looking to gain an insight into the historical wealth of Java as a whole.

Elsewhere in Solo, the out-of-town temple of Sahasra Adhi Pura and the centrally-located Sriwedari Amusement Park are also worth the visit; the former for a glimpse of traditional Kundalini yoga in action, the latter for a spot of evening wayang wong dancing and a taste of the ubiquitous Javanese street foods – from the tongseng meat-on-the-bone, to the refreshing nasi liwet coconut rice.


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