My wife and me, we know the travel guide Mrs. Kamolpan Pawangkanan, called Mam, already since 2008 very well. She is much more than a very good travel guide and one reason why we spent our holidays in Thailand. She made us a lot of days which we spent together in the meantime unforgettable. Her friendliness and warm-heartness are extraordinary. So we got not only informations about geography, culture, history and present of Thailand. With her performance she reached especially the heart of my wife, which cannot understand the English language very well. If we required some assist we booked therefore always our Mrs. Mam.We will never forget her aid as my wife has a fracture in her leg.Mrs. Mam was always ready to help. We recommend Mrs. Mam to all visiters of Thailand. Her sensity and naturalness is a excellent contribution to show everybody whats means " Amazing Thailand". By the way, she is a save and a good driver too. Doris and Lothar Nord Germany