Wael G Hazeena

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Since 2008

Arabic, English, Russian

Private Tour Guide In
Other Guiding Areas
Hebron, Jericho, Jerusalem, Nablus, Nazareth, Tiberias

Greetings, fellow travelers! My name is Wael, and I extend a warm invitation to join me on a journey of discovery through the enchanting landscapes and rich heritage of Palestine. As your dedicated guide, allow me to share a bit about myself and the immersive experiences that await you.

Passionate about my homeland, I find joy in unveiling the stories, history, and culture that make Palestine a truly remarkable destination. With me as your private guide, you're not just a tourist; you become a participant in an individualized exploration designed to cater to your interests and preferences.

Embark on a personalized adventure with me, as we delve into the heart of Palestine through carefully crafted individual excursions. Whether you're fascinated by the ancient tales echoing within the walls of historic sites or eager to soak in the vibrant local culture, I am here to curate an experience that resonates with your curiosity.

My goal is not only to showcase the beauty of Palestine but to create a genuine connection between you and the places we visit. Expect insightful narratives, hidden gems, and a firsthand perspective that goes beyond the surface, making your journey both enlightening and memorable.

Join me as we navigate through the tapestry of Palestine, from its bustling cities to its serene landscapes. Whether you seek a deeper understanding of its cultural significance or simply want to savor the beauty of the region, each tour is crafted with your preferences in mind.

Indulge in the luxury of a private guide who not only shares knowledge but also creates an atmosphere of camaraderie and hospitality. Let's embark on an adventure together, where every step reveals a new facet of Palestine, and every story enriches your connection with this extraordinary land.

I look forward to the privilege of being your guide, sharing the beauty and wonders of Palestine with you

Transfer in PalestineМеня зовут Ваель Джордж.....Профессиональный русскоязычный гид в Вифлееме..Приглашаю Вас на экскурсии на святой Земле в Палестины. Организация услуг :- организация групповых экскурсионных программ. - Индивидуальный экскурсии. - Бронирование отелей.

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