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Why One Should Visit Tanzania (East Africa)

Anthony Abraham

Tour Guide, Arusha, Tanzania

| 4 mins read

Tanzania is a country found in East Africa. This Land was Formerly German East Africa. also known as Tanganyika. In the Year 1820 to 1919, it was known as German East Africa. And in 1920 to 1960 it was known as a British protectorate. Germans losing the First World War lost this Colony. In 1961 It was known as Tanganyika. the name came from the deepest lake bordering this country in the West. In 1964  Named Tanzania after the unification with Zanzibar. 

The Population is above 45 million currently, with more than 126 Tribes. Here one has high chances to learn different cultures. We have Bantus approximately 80%, Nilotes 10% and Kushites 10%. All ethnic groups with unique and diversified cultures. From the Coast to Inland. The Kiswahili language also known as Swahili originated from the Coast of East Africa. 

There are many good Beaches in the Coast line of Tanzania and its Islands. Famous Being Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia Island.for beach holidays the is a wide Choice. From the White sands along the Indian Ocean to the Great Lake inshore.

Zanzibar Beach

Lake Victoria is 51% in Tanzania, 43%in Uganda and 6% in Kenya. Here one can do many activities, from Ship cruise, Boating, Fishing, Nile Crocodile and Hippo viewing. In this Lake, the Nile Perch are found and some can weigh more the 100kgs. Visiting Islands in Lake Victoria as Ukerewe and many others.

Lake Victoria

Mt Kilimanjaro, the highest Mt. in Africa standing at 5895mts above sea level, and the only year round Snow capped mountain near the Equator. It is snow capped the whole year round. Sighting depends on the Weather. Mostly in cloudy days full covered. Should one want to have high chances to see this mountain is having two or more nights in Moshi Town before or after the safari? Moshi town has many activities to sight, the Chala Lake, Maji Moto (Rundugai), Waterfalls in Mt Kilimanjaro are many but to mention but a few Kilasia waterfalls, Materuni Waterfall, Kinukamori Waterfalls and many more. 

Mount Kilimanjaro

One can also do hiking in all of the Six Routes to Climb Kilimanjaro. West Kilimanjaro has many fascinating areas to visit. To mention but a few Ndarakawai, Simba farm, Shira Plateau. Kilimanjari can be climbed though six routes. Marangu, Lemosho, Rongai, Machame, Mweka, and Shira. This mountain has three peaks, Kibo the Highest, Mawenzi the second highest encountered only by professional climbers and Shira the lowest peak found in the west.

Mount Kilimanjaro Summit

There are many National Parks, at the moment 16 national Park and One Conservation Ngorongoro Conservation Area  Authority. In the Conservation areas, the Masai and livestock share the area, It is a multi-purpose land use area. All parks have fascinating differences. And there is a high chance of Sighting the Big five in most Parks. Chimpanzee is found in Gombe and Mahale National Park.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Also many Archeological and historical site is found here. Olduvai Gorge is found in Ngorongoro, this is where the fossils of Zinjanthroups Boise were found by Dr. Leakey. also, Leatoli footprints are found in Ngorongoro. To Extensively visit this area one should have minimum three days to cover a large part of Ngorongoro. This area has three craters Ngorongoro the largest, then Empakai and Olomoti the smaller craters. at Endulen Escarpment one can far sight Lake Eyasi.

Ngorongoro Crator

Oldonyo Lengai is an active Volcanic Mountain found Neighbouring Ngorongoro on the North. Also Lake Eyasi the famous breeding lake for the Flamingos. This is a place worth visiting, one can climb the Mountain.

Flamingos at Lake

Serengeti National Park - The second Largest park in Tanzania and the fourth largest in the world. Famous for its yearly Great Migration, it borders Masai Mara Kenya in the North. More the 1.5 million wildebeest, 700,000 Zebras, 500,000 Gazelles and 200,000 Eland Antilope Migrate annually across the Mara River. Also in the Southern Serengeti Moru one if lucky can sight the Black Rhinos, and also up North at Kogatenge and Nyamalumbo one can sight Rhinos. Seronera valley and most parts of Serengeti are best sites to sight the Leopards and Cheetahs.

Serengeti National Park

Ngorongoro is a good sighting area for Rhinos and the Big Five. Tarangire is a good sighting area for its large herds of Elephants, also Ruaha park has large herds of Elephants.

Rhinos at Tarangire National Park

We welcome you to Tanzania, the land of Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar.

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