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When - Where - Who - How!


Tour Guide, Burgos, Spain

| 1 mins read

PLEASE! When posting a request, make sure you tell us 4 things. 


Iberia (Spain and Portugal) is one of Europe's most mountainous and varied areas. 

When is of enormous importance as to where is best in a country that one can travel from 32 degrees to 5 degrees in early May in a day. 

Who and how to relate to reaching hidden gems that are off the beaten track or need to be walked to? 

Personally, I will not take on a tour that is logistically crammed. 

You can not do Wales in a day. Let us tell you what we think can be achieved within your timescale. 

If you just want to tick a box that says you have been to Madrid, Seville, Granada and Toledo in 5 days, you don't need a guide, just a driver or better still, just use the high-speed trains because you will not get a worthwhile experience.

With this information, we can give you much better and more informed advice and suggestions.