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Sedona UFO Tour Guide

The Sedona UFO Tour Guide

Sedona-United States of America

Tour Guide, Sedona, United States of America

| 2 mins read

Sedona UFO Tour Guide

After my encounter with three 8-foot ETs in July of 2001 in Phoenix, I started talking with my inner-circle friends about the messages given to me in a 12 1/2 minute stereo video downloaded to the center of my brain that night.

It wasn't long before we formed a Phoenix Sky Watch Group, with my long-time *aware* friend Jeff Willes at the helm.  With a generation 1 night vision, we saw things that no one else was talking about.

Daytime UFO 2011

In 2012, December 21, 2012, to be exact, my wife and I moved to Sedona. Between inventing new medical devices, programming great educational apps for kids and furthering alternative energy devices, I got a message from ET that it's time to talk more. I wrote songs like Wake Up, Q and Shadowbanned, but they let me know that wasn't enough.

Sedona UFO Tour Guide's UFO Pack

In August of 2018, I started doing UFO tours for a company in Sedona whose operator had to get an unbelievably large tumour removed from their abdomen. I live to help people and knew it was the right thing to do. After the surgery, there was a continued conflict between what I know to be true, and what I was being instructed to say, so I parted ways with that operator and realized that this was set up by ET to allow me to talk to new people almost Every day about what is really going on in space and on Earth. Think of it as Contact in the Red Rocks for a fraction of the cost of a Desert visit. We use the newer autogated Gen 3 night vision goggles, and have fun with really powerful lasers as well. I even created the UFO Pack so people can take them home to watch UFOs every night they have a clear, dark sky.

Let me answer your questions about what's happening behind the veil. During the tour, though, there will come a point where I'll mention not to believe a word I say. I don't want you to believe anything. I want you to know. My web site has a resources page to help you get started on your search to enlightenment in the 3D world and beyond.

Fear is the great stopper of all mankind, and knowledge displaces fear. If you seek knowledge, you'll love this tour.