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Map Of Mauritius

The Map of Mauritius

Beau Bassin-Rose Hill-Mauritius
oceanafrican tours

Tour Guide, Port Louis, Mauritius

| 3 mins read

When you close your eyes and imagine your trip to Mauritius, you undoubtedly automatically think of crystal clear waters, soft beach sand and fine weather. The luxury of this tropical destination is waiting to treat and pamper you with plenty of fun and relaxing activities

Getting around – Getting to Mauritius is one thing, but knowing how you intend on making your way around the island is also essential. Buses and taxis are suitable for urban areas and you can even rent a bicycle or motorbike if you prefer. Another great alternative is to pick up a rental car in Mauritius and travel around according to your own schedule. When choosing to rent a car in Mauritius, it is advisable that you also take the optional insurance package and make sure that the rental car company holds a tourism enterprise license. Picking up a rental car at the airport is convenient but you will have to pay an additional parking fee to take the car out of the airport parking lot. Finally, it is important to note that, in Mauritius, vehicles travel on the left-hand side of the road.

Local language – Although French and Mauritian Creole is widely spoken throughout the country, English is accepted as the official language. Both French and English-speakers should have no trouble communicating with the friendly locals which come in extremely handy when you need to find a particular attraction, restaurant or restroom.

Bargaining with locals – Shop owners and marketers are not likely to lower their prices and they are generally not interested in long bartering sessions. In the local markets, you might be able to get a discount of 10% – 20% if you are really lucky.

Potential health concerns – It is advised that you have all your regular vaccines up to date and perhaps go for a booster shot before your trip. You will also need a yellow fever vaccination certificate for all travellers over 1 year.  While malaria is not generally a problem in Mauritius, Dengue Fever is a concern and is transmitted by mosquito bite.  Another potential risk is that of a Schistosomiasis infection. The parasite lives in freshwater and enters the skin during swimming. To avoid contracting this infection, avoid swimming in freshwater lakes, streams and other similar bodies of water. Stick to the ocean and swimming pools. Altitude sickness also affects some travellers and it is important to make yourself aware of the symptoms before travelling. In addition, make sure that your travel insurance is comprehensive and valid for your entire trip. Hopefully, you will not need to use it, but if you do, at least you can rest assured that you will be taken care of.