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The Maasai Mara & Serengeti Annual Wildlife Migration


Tour Guide, Nairobi, Kenya

| 3 mins read

The Annual Wildebeest-and-Zebra Migration in the Serengeti is the biggest animal spectacle the world over. It is one of the most unique events of the year taking place in the Serengeti National park normally between the months of November and July the following year. Some have termed this event as one of the greatest wonders of the world. The Movement of these animals begins in May from Southern Serengeti and heads to the Western Serengeti. When the northward movement begins, they encounter the first major obstacle – Crossing the Grumeti River, which is infested with some of the biggest crocodiles on earth…. Hence, the crocodiles feast on them making the very best of this rare opportunity.

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However, this obstacle has not been known to deter the animals’ determination to continue with the desired migration. There is no fixed migration timetable, the animals migrate according to rainfall patterns. They migrate because of rain or the lack of it. When a seasonal drought dries up grass and water supplies in one area, the grazing animals move on to the next area along the Serengeti migration route where seasonal rains are falling. As the Serengeti Migration map illustrates, the migration is annual and peaks in different areas at different times. From July onwards, they migrate towards Northeast Serengeti to Maasai Mara in Kenya. Only those animals (excluding predators) which can survive without surface water for long periods and adapted to the poor forage remain in Western Serengeti, Kirawira area.

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The biggest and the most demanding task for the animals is when they have to cross river Mara in the north of the park. Here, quite a number of animals do not make it; they either drown or they are eaten by the crocodiles, thus, only the fittest survive. On the other side of the river lions are waiting to have their day too. In November, when the pastures have been exhausted in the North and Masai Mara, this army of animals surges back to the now green pastures of the Serengeti south and South Western Ngorongoro as well as the areas neighboring Maswa Game Reserve. Therefore, the best time to see the animals is between November and May during the rainy period. During the dry period ie July to October, most of the animals have migrated to the North and Western Serengeti. However, this does not mean, that the park is completely empty. There are many animals which do not follow the migration pattern; they live and stay in the plains, especially the big cats like lions and cheetah. This Circular pattern is repeated every year with the territorial cats waiting for their turn to feed on these animals who always seem unbothered by the loss of a few colleagues during the ordeal.