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Kumai town


Tour Guide, Pangkalan Bun, Indonesia

| 6 mins read

Sekonyer River has a long history, during the war and have the meaning it self. This river is also a way to escape against invaders. Before 1990, the river is fairly clear / clean, so many Sailors used it before crossing the sea of the Java. Generally they take water for stock. Entering the estuary, along the banks of the River covered by various types of Mangroves that grow prolifically. These herbs have the unique roots, setipa types have the form of  " breathing roots " different. In Borneo there are about 26 different kinds of trees that grow on mangrove forests. The names are common among the mangrove species are: 

a. Bruguiera Clan, which has roots knee

b. Genera Sonneratia and Avicenia, which has roots breath as the inverted wedge to surface water

c. Rhixopora Clan, which has roots that grow from the breath of a tree trunk.

Animals living in mangrove forests varies widely, ranging from various species of Birds ( Waterfowl, Insect-Eating Birds ), primates ( Proboscis Monkey, Silver Langur, Long -Tailed Monkeys) and various species of Fish and Crabs and Shrimp. Deeper into the River Sekonyer, it will be along the right and left of the river, covered by palm trees. This tree is very useful for the community, especially the leaves for the roof of the house. While the palm leaf midrib also be used for cork and leather can be made of woven bark
Animals living in palm forests are generally different types of reptile species, such as water snakes. And quite dangerous is crocodiles. Sometimes in the palm trees we can see the crocodiles. At night, fireflies can be found perched on a palm tree so that when the season is dark (no moon) looks like a Christmas tree.
Orangutans are also frequent visits to the palm forest, they eat young palm and has a sweet taste. Palm fruit can be eaten by humans and the taste like coconut. Generally, male orangutans have a strong power to repeal, but sometimes also encountered in the female orangutan with her son. Over into another, the edge of the palm formations change, and is mixed with pandanus plants, and getting into, so that the palm is not found again, only pandanus plant formations and mixed with different types of trees. Wildlife on along this path is frequently encountered in various types of the bird example: hornbill, parrot, pigeon, king fisher various other small birds. Primate is often encountered along this path include proboscis monkeys, long-tailed monkeys, generally in the afternoon easily found a long river. 

Before entering the Tanjung Harapan, which is a village with a opulation of approximately 50 familiest. there are signs the national park boundary, but this time, since 1996,vast national parks is extended, so start entering the estuary of the river sekonyer have started a national park right side of the river.
invited visitors can walk into the forest in Tanjung Harapan.
Throughout the journey between Tanjung Harapan to pondok Tanggu is interesting. Before going to pollution caused by gold mining, river many in use by the public for MCK. Occasionally be found playing paddle tourists from hotels jungle up a river, But this time was no longer feasible, as well as the river is very dirty and too many crocodiles found.
When leaving in the morning from the Tanjung Harapan possible animals found that quite a lot, other than primates are also many different types of birds. Visitors are generally always at the top klotok to be able to freely see the sights and binoculars birds or just take pictures.

There is something unique along this journey, which saw the proboscis monkey who crossed the river. Consider a group of Proboscis Monkeys residing on the banks of the river, especially take a position jump, this will generally dutch monkey paused. After klotok / Boat pass, then they immediately jumping into the river and swim. Why? Proboscis often become victims of predators in the river, such ascrocodiles and fish are malignant. Utilizing klotok passing with two predators thought it would step aside or avoidance of the sound or wave klotok, That's when they jump. These primates are accomplished swimmers, because it has a 'web' or widening of the skin between his fingers so it is very helpfulfor swimming (as in the frog).

Between Tanjung Harapan to Pondok Tanggui, about 30 minutes from the hotel there is a jungle reforestation activities in the area pesalat. consevation done in former shifting cultivation around 1960's.

This activity is carried out by the friend of the national park foundation, conducted since 2002 so now and the areas are about 36 Hectars. The institution cooperate with the national park Tanjung puting, national parks provide a land area of 1 hectare for tourists who want to do the planting, so visitors have a memorable during a visit to the Tanjung Putting National Park.. Generally plants grown seedlings is the type of ironwood, aloes, andseveral rare plant species.
In pesalat visitors can also perform activities such as birdwatching and night adventure along the lines that already exist. Pathways that have been made among others pesalat to Pondok Tanggui located about 15 km. impassable terrain is swamp and land. Wildlife commonlyencountered along the path are sun bear, mouse deer, deer, jungle cats, pheasant, primate species apart.

Entering the intersection sekonyer river right, a little different with large sekonyer. Consider meeting of between the two rivers, the mixture of water, which is white with a dark muddy brown, like coffee milk. Getting into the water turns black, but clear. Why is that? This is the distinctive features of the river peat swamp forest. This water has a high acidity (pH - acidity-under 6). When dry season comes then it will grow 3 - 4, whereas the normal pH is 7.

The atmosphere is very different more cool and calm than the large river. Remind klotok driver to reduce speed, look left and right on the riverit will encounter different types of unique plants, ferns ect.
Animals vary widely, occasionally water birds such as herons, king Fisher, Pigeon, Parrot, Mantel ect. Consider in the water various types of small fish will appear,especially when we stopped for a moment. besides the trees, along the river is also overgrown plants daffodils, which sometimes cover up the river so that hinder the journey. Before the 1990s the river was still able to swim, but now is very dangerous because a lot of crocodiles. why? Likely, presence of contamination of the river left corner sekonyer. So many crocodiles are moving to find food and clean water and human casualties have occurred