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Going Around the Historical Center in Bogotá-Colombia


Tour Guide, Bogota, Colombia

| 2 mins read

Hello everyone! I will take you through one of the most stunning areas in Bogotá, Colombia.

I usually guide you through the most remarkable historical buildings and places in Bogotá, starting with one of the iconic places where we can take a look over the city. This is Monserrate Mountain, which is possibly the highest point above sea level in Bogotá. Catholicism started and was strengthened more than 300 years ago at this location.

As a second, but equally important, stop is the Gold Museum. This museum resembles and describes most of the golden art from the indigenous tribes, mostly located on the Altiplano Cundiboyacence, where one of the largest linguistic families, the Muiscas, lived.

Third is the Chorro de Quevedo, where the first Spanish settlement started with Gonzalo Jemenez de Quezada.

And so on, we will go on to visit other important historical spots such as La Candelaria Church, Botero's Museum, the coinage house, and the place where the independence campaign started, the Casa del Florero de Llorente. Then, the main cathedral in Colombia, the Catedral Primada, and the most important square in Colombia, the Plaza de Bolívar, along with all the buildings related to the history of Colombia, such as the Lievano Building, where the Bogotá's mayor governs our capital city with a population of over 10 million people.

Later on, we will visit Nariño's Palace, the Congress building, the first and one of the most important high schools in Bogotá and Colombia, the Colegio de Bartolomé, which is bilingual. Finally, we will see a wall with the "First Declaration of the Human Rights" written by Antonio Nariño, a key person in declaring the freedom of Colombia.