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Everything to Know Before You Travel Alone

Hoi An-Vietnam
Realistic Asia

Tour Guide, Hanoi, Vietnam

| 4 mins read

Unlike travelling in groups, travelling alone will give you more freedom to discover any destination you like. You will grasp more skills, make your own decisions about itineraries, accommodation, and transportation. This advice might help you make the most of your entire solo trip. 

1. Travel budgeting 

Make a budget for your trip and save money before you go. Plan what you might spend during your journey, including accommodation and transport. Whether you want to travel frugally or luxuriously, it is necessary to think in advance about what should be included in your trip to make sure your journey leads to a memorable experience.

2. Get all important documents

Research visa requirements and guarantee that your passport would not expire at least 3 months after your trip. Pack all necessary documents (passport, visa, driver’s license, airline tickets, etc.) and make copies of those documents for emergencies. You can also scan them to laptops, tablets, or smart devices. The process will be much easier and save time if you have good preparation in advance. You can easily get a replacement passport or ticket if you have copies ready. 

3. Announce someone in your hometown your contact information

It is highly recommended that relevant information should be sent to family members or friends back home. It would be best if you kept them informed about your flight reservations, hotels, or your accommodation, as well as your itineraries. During the exploration, stay in touch with your loved ones to have a backup. Social media platforms can be instrumental in such situations. 

4. Book your flights and accommodation ahead of time

It is convenient if you book the transportation that has take-off time before dawn. You will have time to change the accommodation in case it does not meet your expectation. Finding suitable accommodation can be a stressful task for the first arrival, so you can pre-book to adjust the budget. Make sure you get a slot in a hotel before you arrive. You can read the reviews on reliable websites like TripAdvisor and take a glance at the corresponding stars rated to find the best accommodation aligned with your own needs.

5. Learn some handful phrases of native languages

Every time you travel to a place with a different language as the native tongue, you should pick up basic phrases like “hello, goodbye, excuse me, how much does it cost, etc.”. For locals, nothing is better than hearing a foreigner making an effort to speak their language, which will benefit you a lot. You might show that you are truly interested in exploring the country you visit. You increase the chance of getting a small discount, so just give it a try.

6. Save important phone numbers 

You should note down the important phone numbers like local contacts, hotel managers, or private taxi drivers who can help you out in a pinch. Therefore, carry a notebook in case your mobile phone is lost somewhere.

7. Get accustomed to reading map 

Your solo travel will be more challenging when you have to navigate by yourself. Therefore, it will decrease the risk of getting lost somewhere if you can read maps. It will level up your confidence to find that you are in the right direction all the way long. If you always have had someone show you around, this will be an experience worth trying.

8. Spend the first day for leisure time

The first day should be the leisure time after a long-haul flight to get yourself ready for the next several days. This is also a precious chance to get to know the city and the culture. For example, you will get familiar with the queue-up culture in Japan.

9. Take a portable charger

A portable charger requires no big space in your luggage, but it is essential in any solo trip. You can take it on the go to make sure your phone is always charged. It allows you to take photos or look for directions to the places you want to visit.

10. Be your own photographer

You might want to capture beautiful moments during the trip, especially travel photo enthusiasts. Bringing a tripod is advisable as you will be responsible for taking selfie pictures of beautiful landscapes and tourist hubs in the itinerary. If selfies are not your thing, you can always ask a local to do it for you.