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Das Schlangenspiel im alten Ägypten


Tour Guide, Luxor, Egypt

| 1 mins read

The game owes its name to its board that looks like a rolled snake. It is said on ancient Egyptian Calendula snake (mhn). The snake's head is in the middle of the pitch, the tail on the very edge. The snake body is sometimes divided into sections that are likely to pose Fields. The token e, which were called here "dancers", consisted of 6 reclining female and male lion (3 each). Each lions were assigned to 6 balls. This is also the only thing we know for sure. One can only guess at the rules. Eventually, the players had to prove their skill and balls - promote close as possible to the center - in whatever way. Depending on how the succeeded, was allowed to put his lion onwards to the front or back. The aim of the game was to promote his lion to serpent's head. In Egyptian mythology, the sun god Ra heads in the form of a big cat the snake god Apophis. After the era of the old empire, this game is forgotten.