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Blue Mosque

Blue Mosque of Tabriz


Tour Guide, Sanandaj, Iran

| 2 mins read

The first time I heard the name of Blue Mosque, I imagined an edifice all in blue, interior, exterior, all of it. It was with this image that I went to visit the Blue Mosque of Tabriz.

Entering the yard, you can see two domes in brick (from outside); can't see anything blue, a little disappointing.

The entrance portal is decorated mostly in blue with some calligraphy, beautiful; still, I would not say something extraordinary.

Go inside the mosque, under the main dome, a good, peaceful feeling appear and it seems the sky is very close to you. Go further to the tomb of the ruler (the ruler and his wife or daughter, that's not very important) and look back at the entrance of the tomb (or private mosque of the ruler); there are some parts of the blue mosaics that survived looting in the wars and some earthquakes. For a moment, imagine there is not any damage, all parts of the walls and domes covered in blue mosaics and floor in bright marble; yes, extraordinary, beautiful, eastern, one thousand and one nights, yes, the turquoise of the Islamic world, even if we need some imagination to complete this picture. I would say if there was not any damage, the Blue Mosque was on the guide books about Iran instead of Sheikh Lotfalla Mosque and like the mosque of Sheikh Lotfallah, there is something feminine in that mosque that five centuries of war and earthquake have not damaged it.