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Batak Karo Traditional House


Tour Guide, Medan, Indonesia

| 4 mins read


Traditional house is one of the cultural assets of this nation. Each region has a traditional house with unique characteristics and uniqueness of each. However, unfortunately, more and more people from the local area who leave the traditional house and switch to the ordinary house. Only some areas, people, or tribes that still survive in traditional houses.

One of the interesting traditional houses is the Batak Karo traditional house. Traditional house Karo North Sumatra is also known as a custom house Siwaluh Jabu. Siwaluh Jabu has the understanding of a house inhabited by eight families. Each family has its own role in the house.

Traditional house Karo North Sumatra is different from other indigenous tribal houses and the peculiarities that characterize the traditional house Karo. The shape is very majestic given the horns. The process of establishing up life in the traditional house is governed by Karo custom, and hence it is called a traditional house.

The placement of families in Karo Sumatran Traditional House is determined by Karo custom. In general, this traditional house consists of jabu ginger (downstream) and jabu julu (upstream). Jabu ginger is also divided into two parts, namely jabu tip wood and jabu home sendipar tip wood.

However, there are times when the Karo Traditional House of North Sumatra consists of eight rooms and is inhabited by eight families. While in this house there are only four kitchens. Each jabu is divided into two so that jabu-jabu sedapuren bena wood, sedapuren tip wood, sedepen lepar bena wood, and jabu sedapuren lepar tip of wood.

Traditional house of Siwaluh Jabu, Traditional house of Karo Sumatera Utara.

The house is high-mooned and one house is usually inhabited by a large family of 4 to 8 Batak families. Inside the house there is no partition of one room off. But the division of space remains, which is limited by strong lines of custom, although the line is invisible. Each room has a name and who should occupy the room, has been determined also by custom.

# The indoor room order Siwaluh jabu is as follows:

  • Jabu bena wood is the room in front of the left, inhabited by the clan of the land and the founder of the village. He is the leader or leader of the house.

  • Jabu sedapur bena wood is the next room which one with jabu bena wood, also named Sinenggel-ninggel. Traditional house Karo North Sumatra, this space is inhabited by the Senina his brothers who act as deputy leader of the house. As much as one kitchen, because every 2 rooms then in front there is a kitchen that is used for 2 families.

  • Jabu wooden end, named Jabu Sungkun Berita, inhabited by the son of Beru Toa, who is in charge of solving any problems that arise.

  • Jabu sedapur tip of the wood is sedapur room with jabu end of wood, named after Jabu Silengguri. Jabu is inhabited by the beru child of Jabu Sungkun Berita.

  • Jabu forehead bena wood, which is a room located opposite the jabu bena wood, named jabu simengaloken inhabited by Biak Senina.

  • Jabu sedapur lepan bena wood is a room that sedapur with jabu leban bena wood, inhabited by Senina Sepemeren or Separiban.

  • Jabu forehead wooden end, inhabited by Kalimbuh ie the giver of the girl, this room is called Jabu Silayari.

  • Jabu sedapur fore wooden edge of the room is sedapur with jabu lepan tip of wood. Traditional house Karo North Sumatra, this room is inhabited by Jabu Simalungun drinking, inhabited by Puang Kalimbuh that Kalimbuh from jabu silayari. Kalimbuh position is quite respected in custom.

  • Such an article about Indigenous Houses Karo North Sumatra hopefully can add your insight and useful course and thanks for the attention and kunjunganya.

Mejuah-juah. God bless.***