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april 27(victory day)


Tour Guide, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

| 2 mins read

April 27 E.C/ May 5 G.C – Celebrating Patriots Victory Day in Ethiopia

Today is the 73rd Anniversary of Patriots’ Victory Day in Ethiopia. Every year on April 27 E.C or May 5th of the Gregorian calendar the Ethiopian people commemorate the patriots who gallantly fought the then fascist Italian troops and the triumphal entry of emperor Haile sealsie I of Ethiopia in to the capital Addis Ababa.

The Italo-Ethiopian War began in October 1935, and the Italians soon captured many Ethiopian towns. The Ethiopian Emperor, Haile Selassie, felt that it was hopeless to continue war against an enemy equipped with such modern weapons, and he was forced into exile in England. Despite, his plea to the League of Nations for intervention against the Italians, the league failed to act ardently.

The Fascist regime of Italy was preparing it self to avenge the total humiliation by the Black Ethiopian Empire at the battle of Adwa. After extended preparation for the war, Benito Mussolini launched the war by using 44 modern military Air craft and the deadly internationally forbidden Mustard gas. Unlike Italy, Ethiopia was not preparing it self for another huge war with Italy since the victory of the battle of Adwa. On 5 May, 1936, under Marshal Pietro Badoglio, Italians took over Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. Mussolini proclaimed Ethiopia under Italian ownership with the King of Italy crowned as emperor. Italy had acted against the principles of the League of Nations. Since then the patriots of Ethiopia gallantly fought the colony attempt of the Italians for 5 extended years. In the spring of 1941 the Ethiopians patriots defeated the Fascist army of Italy in different corners of the country with the combined attack of the British and Allied forces.