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Tour Guide, Siem Reap, Cambodia

| 1 mins read

Rice wine (srah sor) is brewed of different sort of local rice, such as jasmine rice and yeast with high percentage of alcohol 40 % plus. It is a long process from boiling rice to steaming it,  then mixing it with yeast and drying in the sun for a day . It is then put in a pot cook once again, and put through the filter so that the end result is pure rice wine.

Palm wine is actually made of palm juice with some sort of tree barks. The tree bark is immersed in palm juice and kept for a couple days to be fermented. It has low percentage of alcohol perhaps 5 % and tastes sweet and sour. One litter would make a man drunk though.

Herbal rice is used more for treatments.People having knowledge of using herbal medicine tput herbs in rice wine for a period of time then drink it to stop pain and some sort of diseases .

All these sorts of drink can be addictive; so do not drink too much.